Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Update on Strikes of Fuel Tank Drivers and Workers at PT CGS

The 1,000 fuel tank drivers, employed by Pertamina Patra Niaga (PPN), are now into their third week of strike action in Jakarta. The company is stubbornly refusing to meet their demands concerning working conditions and pay. The workers want their hours limited to 40 hours per week, particularly in order to decrease the risk of road accidents. They also want their overtime paid, and to be made permanent (some have been on short-term contracts for 12 years!). 

Photo from day 10 of fuel tank drivers' strike
The drivers have sought to make their strike successful by blocking entrances to the truck depot, but they have faced repression from police and military. The company has also tried to replace drivers with scab labour, and already this has resulted in road accidents.

The drivers have received solidarity and support both from other unions within Indonesia, but also overseas. Today the Maritime Union of Australia held a rally outside the Indonesian consulate in Sydney in support of the drivers and their union FBTPI. 

MUA demo outside Indonesian consulate in Sydney 16 November 2016
Manufacturing workers in Bekasi are also continuing their strike. Around 90 workers, employed by PT CGS, have been on strike since 26 October this year. They are paid only 70,000 Rp. per day (roughly $7 a day), which is well below the minimum wage. Angry at their low pay, the workers joined the union SGBN back in August. But since then, management at PT CGS has refused to meet with the workers, and instead hired thugs to intimidate and threaten the workers. The company then fired the 10 union leaders in a classic case of union busting.

Workers at PT CGS on strike
But the strike action has proved successful. The workers have already got an agreement from management that the union leaders that were fired will be reinstated and that the workers will be paid the minimum wage from 2017. The strike will continue though until all their demands are met.  

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Fuel Tank Drivers Strike Over Safety and Security

More than 1,000 fuel tank drivers in Jakarta, employed by Pertamina Patra Niaga, are planning to take strike action next Tuesday, 1 November 2016. The drivers, members of the Indonesian Port and Transport Workers’ Federation (FBTPI), plan to bring the tanks to a halt to demand greater job security and workplace safety.
A photo of tank workers' previous strike in 2014
The drivers often work shifts of more than 12 hours a day. These long work hours lead to fatigue which causes road accidents. In the last year, four drivers have died as a result of these unsafe conditions.

Workers are also demanding that Patra Niaga pay them overtime in accordance with the law. Since 2007, the company has refused to pay overtime to workers, despite the drivers working more than 40 hours a week.

Another problem the workers face is lack of secure employment. Many of the workers are kept on short-term contracts. Some of them have had their contracts extended 10 times. This is illegal in Indonesia, where contract work is only allowed for short-term projects. The drivers are therefore demanding permanent employment.

Ahead of the strike, the company has threatened to bring in the military to replace striking workers. Meanwhile the mainstream media is claiming the striking workers will cause fuel shortages. But really, the blame for any shortages lies with Patra Niaga – the company has left the workers with no other option but to take this action.

KPBI Union Sticker: 1 November 2016, Support the Tank Driver Strike Against PT Pertamina Patra Niaga

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Union Activists Imprisoned for Demanding Workers' Rights

Today the Indonesian state has imprisoned two union activists, Abdul Hakam and Agus Budiono. These two activists, from the union KASBI in Gresik, East Java, have been sentenced to gaol for three months for “unpleasant acts” or, in other words, for struggling for workers’ rights.

Their “crime” stems from their involvement in organising outsourced workers at the company PT Petrokimia Gresik. This company has drastically increased its use of outsourced workers. From only employing 200 outsourced workers through 2 companies in 2006, by 2013 the company employed some 900 workers through 11 outsourcing companies. The workers fought back by unionising and demanding that they be paid at least the legal minimum wage.

The company attacked back. In March 2013 there were mass sackings. The workers that remained faced intimidation, bullying and bribery as the company attempted to crush the union. As part of this attack the company reported Abdul Hakam and Agus Budiono to the police. The “unpleasant acts” law is often labelled as rubber because of the way it is used against activists involved in union organising and demonstrations.

The imprisonment of these two activists comes at the same time 26 union activists in Jakarta also face criminalisation. They are facing charges for their involvement in a demonstration against the new wage regulation. Weekly demonstrations are happening in defense of these activists as their court case continues.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Police and Military Violence Used in Plans for Construction of Airport

More than 1000 police and military personnel were mobilised yesterday, 16 February 2016, in the latest move to force villagers in Kulon Progo off their land to make way for an airport. The police and military were used to allow the government to begin scoping of the land. The local community that have organised resistance to the land grab immediately gathered in response to the presence of the police and military in their villages. The community’s requests for negotiation were rejected and instead their gathering was met with heavy repression. As recounted in the community’s press statement:

“Violence like a rain of punches and kicks as well as other forms of intimidation by the police. Even to the point where children were trampled on when the police were breaking up the gathering of villagers. There was a local that was also strangled and fainted. Even several of the peasants’ possessions including a motorbike and a table of chilli seeds were damaged. This was all because the police used force and violence to gain entry.”

Plans for the construction of an airport in this coastal rural area began in 2011 when the government signed a contract with an Indian investor. Since then the local, regional and national government have been trying to find ways to force the villagers off their land. The community however has been there for generations and make a living by planting chillies, peanuts and melons. Culturally the land is also significant to them, and even from an environmental point of view the community are concerned construction of an airport would put the area at risk of a tsunami as natural sandbanks would be destroyed.

Their protests have been met with heavy repression and intimidation. Pak Agus, one of the community leaders, received a visit from police dressed in plain clothes one night a few weeks back. As he opened the door two guns were held up against him, left and right above his waist. They warned him to stop protesting, to just accept the airport construction and be quiet. But Pak Agus and the rest of the community will not be quiet as they know that they have rights to the land and that if they lose their land they will lose their livelihood, culture and community.  

This is not a unique story in Indonesia. Currently there are hundreds of such projects being implemented with the same harsh repression and disregard for the local communities. The victims are many, such as Salim Kancil who was murdered in September last year in East Java for protesting the development of sand mining. The community in Kulon Progo are worried that it will only be a matter of time before their struggle also results in a death.  In the repression yesterday alone 15 locals were injured.

Messages and statements of support can be sent to Pak Agus at email:

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Release Rita: Migrant Workers Not to Blame for Drug Smuggling

Rita Krisdianti: Threatened with the Death Penalty
 The Indonesian Migrant Workers’ Union (SBMI) along with other unions and organisations are demanding the release of Rita Krisdianti. Rita is a migrant worker from East Java who was arrested in 2013 at Penang airport in Malaysia. The suitcase she was carrying contained 4kg of crystal meth, but Rita is not to blame. She is just the latest migrant worker to unknowingly find themselves at the bottom of a drug smuggling chain and now potentially facing the death penalty. Her case was to come before court last week but has been delayed.

Rita worked as a house maid in Hong Kong until early 2013 when her contract was stopped. The agency then moved her to Macau but after not receiving further work she planned to return home to Indonesia. Before departing though, a friend offered her a job working for a textile and clothing business. In July 2013 Rita was sent to New Delhi, India where she was given a suitcase which she was told contained clothing materials for the business. She was told to deliver it to a customer in Penang, Malaysia. Rita travelled to Penang to deliver the materials, only to be arrested and told that the suitcase actually contained 4kg of narcotics.

The case was to be brought to court 28 January 2016 but has since been delayed. Rita could be facing the death penalty. Rita is not the only victim of such harsh laws that ignore the situation of migrant workers. More than 200 Indonesian migrant workers are facing the death penalty overseas.

As SBMI explains, the majority of Indonesian migrant workers are females, from poor families, with low education, facing several social issues. Such conditions make them more susceptible to offers of work that can end up involving drugs.

Migrant workers often face terrible conditions and even violence from their employers overseas. The experiences of the two other female migrant workers from Rita’s village demonstrate the many problems they face. One of them has been a victim of sexual abuse by her employer in Singapore. The other developed a cyst while overseas but was assisted by SBMI and was able to receive medical treatment.  These are not uncommon stories among migrant workers who face huge debts, violence and exploitation. The dependency of sending and destination countries on migrant labour means governments are often not willing to take a strong stance on the rights of migrants.

Ramches from SBMI has said they are disappointed by the lack of quick response from the Jokowi-JK government in response to Rita’s court case. “Will Rita’s fate end up the same as other Indonesian migrant workers that have already been executed?”

Workers in Indonesia have begun to show their solidarity with Rita by changing their display pictures on Facebook. The hashtag #SaveRitaKrisdianti has also been widely taken up. Demonstrations have also taken place outside the Malaysian embassy in Jakarta demanding the release of Rita and safety for other Indonesian migrant workers facing the death penalty. 
Contract workers demonstrate in support of Rita
Demonstration in front of Malaysia Embassy, Jakarta 28 January